
Here you can explore some stuff. Note: Classic Style is moved to the new Old Style.


Who are you?

I'm Bero, My real name is Omar and I like some tech stuff and trying to explore them. Also I'm a huge fan of HTC :)

Why does this exist?

I have made this website for fun.

How many programming languages do you know?

HTML (not a programming language but still counts), CSS, Kinda Python, Kinda C# (Still learning it) and planning for JavaScript as well.

What projects are you planning to do?

I'm planning to make some UWP apps, Some Unity Engine games with C# and also some mobile apps and games.

When will Kart Racing get released?

The development didn't get started yet, duo to school stuff but I'm currently trying to learn C#!

Why is the design of this website keeps changing/simplifing?

Well, I've got bored from the old design and I wanted to make a new simplifed design for fun to make it look modern and better.

About this Website

Bero Sato's Website

Version: Green Moon (Classic_3.5)

Made with: HTML, CSS and Paint 3D

Font: Segoe UI by Steve Matteson

Icons: By Typicons, Iconic, MFG Labs and Font Awesome. (Generated using Fontello)

Last edited: 2023/6/9